Project Overview
Regional Prevention Partnership (RPP) grantees are invited to post year-around media items identified by the Vermont Department of Health; the toolkit developed in this project is designed to provide consistent, quality messaging to grantees. All grantee resource documents and messaging campaigns are up-to-date and available on their website. The toolkit contains social media, videos, print posts for Regional Prevention Partnership grantees to select from for posting. Promotion campaign messaging includes ParentUp resources on positive assets and strategies on talking about cannabis and alcohol. There is no specific requirement of RPP grantees to post messages from Health Department campaigns.
Green Peak Alliance Partners: The Collaborative, Black River Area Community Coalition, Greater Falls Connections, Mount Ascutney Prevention Partnership, Mount Ascutney Regional Commission, New England High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area – Overdose Response Strategy, Springfield School District, Turning Point Recovery Center of Springfield, Vermont
Community Organizations: Central Vermont New Directions Coalition, Franklin County Caring Communities, Rutland Regional Medical Center, Youth Services
2018 – Present