Who We Are

About Green Peak Alliance

Established in 2018, Green Peak Alliance is a regional network that promotes healthy communities in East Central Vermont and includes the Vermont Department of Health District Offices of White River Junction and Springfield. We bring federal and state resources to local areas in our work with schools and service organizations. Through research, education, and outreach, we create conditions to positively influence the public by increasing youth assets and reducing risks.

Green Peak Alliance consists of organizations that work to prevent substance misuse. Our members are connected to regional planning partners, law enforcement, schools, and service organizations. Our projects include substance misuse prevention education, prescription medication take-back initiatives, health policy and increasing positive activities and supports for youth.


Green Peak Alliance’s vision is a healthy community for all.


Green Peak Alliance is a regional network that promotes healthy communities.

Current Areas of Focus

Green Peak Alliance’s projects include substance misuse prevention education, health policies for schools and towns, prescription medication take-back initiatives, harm reduction and positive activities and support for youth.

Find Us

Email | info@greenpeakalliance.org

Phone | (802) 674-7450

Physical & Mailing Address | Green Peak Alliance, 289 County Rd, Windsor, VT 05089

Green Peak Alliance Members

Interested in joining Green Peak Alliance? Contact us to learn how!

Black River Area Community Coalition

Established in 2003, Black River Area Community Coalition’s (BRACC) mission is to take a proactive approach to preventing youth substance use and violence by promoting a healthy involved community, supporting all youth in a safe environment. Serving Ludlow , Plymouth, and Mount Holly in Windsor and Rutland counties, BRACC’s current areas of focus include underage drinking, prescription drug abuse and misuse, marijuana prevention, retailer recognition, and tobacco use and vaping. Their strategies and initiatives include K-12 education using evidence-based programming and an elementary school mentoring program.

Contact BRACC

Lauren Ingersoll, Ludlow Project Assistant | lauren@thecollaborative.us

Greater Falls Connections

Established in 2006, Greater Falls Connections’ (GFC) vision is a healthy, nurturing and supportive community and its mission is to connect the community of Windham Northeast by inspiring and empowering people through education and collaboration to promote wellness and prevent the abuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, with an emphasis on youth substance misuse prevention. Serving Athens, Grafton, Rockingham, Bellows Falls, and Westminster in Windham county, GFC’s current areas of focus include youth substance misuse prevention, youth empowerment, health equity, restorative justice, trauma-informed prevention and adverse childhood experiences, and opioid harm reduction and response. Their strategies and initiatives include Star Stores annual retailer recognition, National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, Bike to the Box, Park-a-Palooza Community Block Party, Summer BBQ and ACE Awards, and the Community Holiday Dinner.

Contact GFC

Laura Schairbaum, Director | laura@greaterfallsconnections.org

Phone | (802) 463-9927

Physical & Mailing Address | 44 School St Ext, Bellows Falls, VT 05101

Mt. Ascutney Prevention Partnership

Established in September 1998, Mt. Ascutney Prevention Partnership’s (MAPP) vision is communities working together to create and support what is needed for everyone to feel valued and its mission is to inspire community action that promotes health and positive environments for youth. Serving all towns coinciding with the Windsor Central and Windsor Southeast Supervisory Union Districts, MAPP’s current areas of focus include decreasing rates of youth substance use, working with citizens and community partners to create substance-free environments, promoting the planning and implementation of healthy community design, educating communities, and aligning community prevention strategies with social-emotional learning supports.

Contact MAPP

Melanie Sheehan, Regional Prevention Program Manager | melanie.sheehan@mahhc.org

Phone | (802) 674-7450

Physical & Mailing Address | 289 County Road, Windsor, VT 05089

Mt. Ascutney Regional Commission

Mount Ascutney Regional Commission serves the towns of Andover, Baltimore, Cavendish, Ludlow, West Windsor, Windsor, Weathersfield, Springfield, Chester, and Reading in Southern Windsor County.

Contact MARC

Allison Hopkins, Senior Planner | ahopkins@marcvt.org

Phone | (802) 674-9201 ext. 113

Rachel Scudder, Planner | rscudder@marcvt.org

Phone | (802) 674-9201 ext. 116

Physical & Mailing Address | 38 Ascutney Park Road, Ascutney, VT 05030

New England High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area – Overdose Response Strategy

Established in 1999, New England High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area serves all New England states and their counties. NEHIDTA’s vision is to build safe and healthy communities by developing collaborative solutions, innovative strategies, and meaningful partnerships to reduce drug trafficking and its harmful consequences. Their mission is to disrupt the market for illegal drugs in New England in support of the National Drug Control Strategy by assisting Federal, state, and local law enforcement entities participating in the HIDTA program to identify, disrupt, and dismantle drug trafficking organizations; and to further reduce the harmful consequences of drug trafficking by promoting public safety and public health partnerships. NEHIDTA’s current areas of focus include disrupting drug trafficking organizations, promoting evidence prevention and substance use related practices, being a participating member of the Overdose Response Strategy in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and building and strengthening public health and public safety partnerships.


James Downes, Drug Intelligence Officer for Vermont | jdownes@nehidta.org

Phone | (978) 802-0753

Stephanie Thompson, Public Health Analyst for Vermont | sthompson@nehidta.org

Phone | (404) 395-3618

Physical & Mailing Address | 13 Branch Street, Methuen, MA 01844

Springfield School District

Serving the town of Springfield in Windsor county and with a focus on education, the Springfield School District’s (SSD) vision is to empower capable cosmopolitans who are ready and motivated to improve their community and engage with the world. SSD’s mission is to provide students with effective academic and social-emotional learning in schools with a positive culture that are supported by the community.

Contact SSD

Beth Brothers, Health Coordinator | ebrothers@ssdvt.org

Phone | (802) 885-7696

Physical Address | 60 Park Street, Springfield VT 05156

Mailing Address | 303 South Street, Springfield VT 05156

The Collaborative

Established in 1999, The Collaborative serves Bennington county, western Windham county, and southern Windsor county. Their direct service area includes eighteen towns and nine schools. The Collaborative’s vision is a healthy, safe, and supportive community and their mission is to promote the development of a healthy, involved community supporting substance free youth in a caring environment. The Collaborative’s prevention areas of focus include alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, ECIG/ENDS, and opioid use, adolescent brain development, developmental assets, and building support in and around the LGBTQ+ community. The Collaborative fosters connections with youth, parents, businesses, schools, media, law enforcement, state/local/tribal agencies, healthcare professionals, civic & volunteer groups, youth serving organizations, and faith based & fraternal organizations.

Contact The Collaborative

Alice Abraham, Projects Manager | alice@thecollaborative.us

Maryann Morris, Executive Director | maryann@thecollaborative.us

Phone | (802) 824-4200

Physical & Mailing Address | 91 VT Route 11, Londonderry, VT 05148

Turning Point Recovery Center of Springfield, VT

Established in 2004, the Turning Point Recovery Center (TPRC) of Springfield, VT serves the towns of Springfield, Windsor, Bellows Falls, Chester, Andover, Baltimore, Weathersfield, North Springfield, and Ascutney in Windsor county. The mission and purpose of the TPRC is to enhance the spiritual, mental, physical, and social growth of our community affected by any form of addiction. They seek to facilitate recovery of individuals and their families, by providing: a staffed drop-in center, meeting location, substance-free social functions, transitional housing, recovery coaching, and prevention and resource center. TPRC’s current areas of focus include transitional living, a staffed drop-in center, individual and family supports, meetings, and connections to local resources. TPRC also offers youth supports, and resources for those seeking employment and employers, as well as ongoing support groups and resources for families and friends of those directly impacted by substance use disorder.

Contact Turning Point Recovery Center of Springfield

Astrid Bradish-Hoyt, RCEDP Supervisor | info@spfldtp.org

Phone | (802) 885-4668

Physical & Mailing Address | 7 Morgan St, Springfield, VT 05156

Green Peak Alliance Partners

Hartford Community Coalition

Gifford Hospital

Little Rivers Health Care