Meet Our Organization
Green Peak Alliance is a regional network of substance misuse prevention organizations that promotes healthy communities. We bring federal and state resources to local areas through our work with schools and service organizations. Through research, education, and outreach, we create conditions to positively influence the public by increasing youth assets and reducing risks.
On this website you will find:
- Local, state, and national resources geared towards youth, parents, schools, towns, people in recovery, service organizations, preventionists, health officials, and the community at large
- Education and information specific to alcohol, cannabis, nicotine, vaping, tobacco, opioids, prescription drugs, and substance use disorder
- Community resources that support positive asset development, LGBTQ, mental health, diversity, inclusion, health equity, and parenting
- Social media campaign toolkits with messaging focused on substance use prevention education, harm reduction, and positive youth development
- Printed campaign messaging and presentation materials that can be ordered and sent to your organization
- Templates, guidelines, and action-based policy recommendations for schools and towns
- Up-to-date assessment data and local research projects
- Annual and ongoing prevention initiatives with community partners
- Prevention-inspired media projects, interviews, and docuseries
- Local training and program opportunities for schools and service organizations