Project Overview
As towns across Vermont weigh changes to the legal status of cannabis, it’s more urgent than ever for individuals to have the facts they need to make smart decisions about cannabis and stay safe. Green Peak Alliance is participating in this important conversation by giving parents and caregivers tools to have constructive conversations with the young people in their lives. GPA is also providing people with information about safe storage of cannabis, sharing information about how to get help in the event of cannabis poisoning, and collaborating with local retailers to keep cannabis products from falling into the hands of minors.
Green Peak Alliance Partners: The Collaborative and Mt. Ascutney Prevention Partnership
Began June 2022
Project Resources
Components of this project include posters and 2-sided informational rack cards for display in local healthcare environments; a press release to local media; stickers for cannabis retailers that warn customers about the risks of buying for minors; and social media communications, which feature a short, embedded video highlighting storage tips and poison control resources.