Recovery Ready Workforce

Project Overview

Employers often lose workers and incur additional expenses for situations related to untreated substance use disorder (SUD) such as: absence, performance issues or misconduct. As a result, employers are sometimes hesitant to hire people that have an SUD, whether they’re in recovery or not. People in early recovery often have trouble securing employment due to consequences of prior SUD such as: gaps in employment, termination, and legal problems. Because of all this, people with an SUD are usually afraid to tell their employers of their condition for fear of termination.

Our Recovery Ready Workforce connects employers, workers, and job seekers with resources and supports to create better outcomes for everyone. We offer workshops for employers who want to become “Recovery Friendly”. These sessions build capacity for empathy and understanding of substance use disorder as a treatable disease. Employers learn valuable tools to support their current workers seeking recovery, such as connection to recovery coaching, the science of addiction, and referral to state & local initiatives.

Our team of Recovery Coaches host educational and support groups, and/or confidential 1:1 meetings with employees and job seekers. We help workers connect with the resources and support they need to find and maintain recovery, and to select a workplace that will be a good fit for them.


Green Peak Alliance Partners: The Collaborative, Mount Ascutney Regional Chamber, Turning Point Recovery Center of Springfield

Community Organizations: Working Fields, Working Communities Challenge (Springfield), Mount Ascutney Hospital & Health Center


October 2019 – Present


We’ve held trainings on Motivational Interviewing, developed a training for employers to become “Recovery Friendly” and worked with the Springfield Area Working Communities Challenge to break down stigma in the employment field. Working Fields is embedded at Turning Point Center of Springfield as a staffing and support agency for those in recovery seeking employment.

Project Resources

Anti-Stigma Toolkit

Substance-Free Get-together Ideas

Turning Point Recovery Center of Springfield, Vermont’s Recovery Ready Workforce Web Page

Recovery Friendly Work Place Initiative YouTube Video

Astrid Bradish-Hoyt interviews Lisa Lord of Vermont Association for Mental Health and Addiction Recovery / Recovery Vermont about the Recovery Friendly Workplace Initiative

Brochure for Turning Point Recovery Center of Springfield, VT