Informational Display Boards

Project Overview

Green Peak Alliance’s Informational Display Boards project was undertaken to develop tabletop display boards on a variety of topics with easy-to-read information, citations for facts, and eye-catching visuals. These double-sided, tri-fold panels are easy-to-use informational kits that cover the following topics: Opioids (safe use, storage, disposal), vaping & e-Cigarettes (on tobacco & marijuana), underage & binge drinking, marijuana & cannabis, developmental assets, brain development, and supporting LGBTQ+ people. Community organizations are allowed to borrow the display boards for two weeks and they are convenient to use at health fairs, farmers’ markets, and other tabling events. GPA resource giveaway bags also accompany the display boards and list permanent Rx take back box locations and bags are filled with accompanying info.


Green Peak Alliance Partners: The Collaborative, Mount Ascutney Prevention Partnership, Greater Falls Connections, Springfield School District


2019 – Present


Positive feedback from Woodstock School teachers: “Includes citations,” “Excellent work, folks!,” “THANK YOU for making this — educating all of us can help.,” “I learned a lot from this tri-fold,” “Nice job — that is some scary stuff. Hope it makes a dent in teens’ thinking.”

Duplicate sets of these display boards were made for community circulation throughout GPA’s region.

Project Resources

Display Boards Loan Information

LGBTQ+ Display Board

Opioids Display Board

Alcohol Display Board

Vaping Display Board

Cannabis Display Boards

Assets Display Boards