Healthcare & Community Health Needs Assessment

Project Overview

Every three years, hospitals assess their community’s needs and develop strategies to address the most pressing health issues in their communities.  Health systems within Green Peak Alliance’s region – Springfield Medical Care Systems and Mt. Ascutney Hospital and Health Center – conducted assessments by bringing together a wide variety of community organizations to give input and assist with the process. Green Peak Alliance members Mount Ascutney Prevention Partnership and Greater Falls Connections contributed, helping with planning and implementing the surveys and ensuring the voices of diverse community members were included.

During the period February through July in 2021, an assessment of Community Health Needs in the Mt. Ascutney Hospital and Health Center service area was completed in partnership with Dartmouth-Hitchcock, Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital, Valley Regional Healthcare, New London Hospital, Lake Sunapee Region VNA & Hospice, Visiting Nurse and Hospice for VT and NH, and the New Hampshire Community Health Institute. The purpose of the assessment was to:

  1. Better understand the health-related issues and concerns impacting the well-being of area residents;

2. Inform community health improvement plans, partnerships and initiatives; and

3. Satisfy state and federal Community Health Needs Assessment requirements for Community Benefit reporting.

As a result of the previous Community Health Needs Assessment, the following workgroups were created to address these needs and further identify others: Strengthening Families, Substance Misuse, Affordable Housing, Seniors, Food Security, and Spiritual Health.


Green Peak Alliance Partners: Mount Ascutney Prevention Partnership, Greater Falls Connections

Community Organizations: Southern Vermont Community Action, Edgar May Health & Recreation Center, Vermont Department of Health, Vermont Agency of Human Services, Springfield Hospital


February 2021 – July 2021

Project Resources

Community Survey Result: Most Pressing Health Needs or Issues

Springfield Community Health Needs Assessment Report for 2019

Springfield Healthcare Systems’ Community Health Needs Assessment Web Page