Project Overview
The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) holds National Take Back Day (NTBD) of prescription drugs twice a year, on the last Saturdays of April and October. The unwanted or expired medications that are collected by police at this event are safely sent back to DEA to incinerate. National promotion emphasizes cleaning out medicine cabinets. Protect your families with easy and safe disposal of unwanted medicines. Educates communities not to contaminate their water or soil by flushing meds or sending them to the landfill. Green Peak Alliance partners collaborate with local law enforcement to promote this event and the permanent prescription drug disposal boxes and mail-back envelopes available throughout participating communities.
Green Peak Alliance Partners: Mount Ascutney Prevention Partnership, The Collaborative, Black River Area Community Coalition, Greater Falls Coalition
Community Organizations: Norwich Police, Woodstock Police, Hartford Police, Royalton Police, Chester Police, Windsor Police, Springfield Police, Ludlow Police, Bellows Falls and Rockingham Police, Weathersfield Transfer Station, Gifford Health Care, Greater Falls Pharmacy, Ludlow Pharmacy, Springfield Pharmacy, Green Mountain Pharmacy
2018 – Present