Media Prevention Resources

Developmental Assets Media Toolkit & Campaign Launched

Kids today experience more stress and face more struggles than previous generations! Now more than ever, is the time to rise up to the challenge of supporting our youth. Green Peak Alliance has launched a media toolkit focused on supporting youth using Developmental Assets. The Developmental Assets were created by the Minnesota-based Search Institute. What are Developmental Assets? They are positive experiences and qualities that help kids develop a sense of confidence, passion, and purpose.

We know from research that when kids feel supported, respected, and valued by their community, they are more resilient. It is also clear that kids who are encouraged will live better lives. Practicing these assets empower us to meet today’s challenges and help our kids develop strong inner resources. Whether you’re a parent, caregiver, coach, teacher, or local business owner, learning about Developmental Assets can help you make a difference in the lives of our communities’ children.

Together we can create a community where kids are able to overcome challenges, and thrive!

During the month of April – the Month of the Young Child – Green Peak Alliance will begin a media campaign posting on our social media accounts ideas and tips on using developmental assets with your kids every day! We are encouraging everyone to share these posts, using hashtags #developmentalassets and #greenpeakalliance.

Here are some additional ways to engage: 

  1. Like Green Peak Alliance on Facebook and follow Green Peak Alliance on Instagram for the latest asset messages and tips!
  2. Connect with your local prevention coalition to find out fun things to do and how to help kids and families in your community.
  3. Find opportunities to practice Developmental Assets with your kids every day!
  4. Access, download and use our Developmental Assets Media Toolkit and graphics via our publicly accessible Google Drive folder.

We want to share these tools with you and encourage everyone to use these positive messages in support of our youth!

Visit our Developmental Assets Media Toolkit project page to learn more and get access to the toolkit and graphics.